~our events~
11:00 am - 6:00 pm
* March 8th *
Walk-in or call for pre-paid appointment time
45-minute reading
~ learn Tarot with Shelby Wardlaw ~
* TBD *
$75 pre-paid (space is limited)
Click HERE for more info
Shelby Wardlaw is a professor, writer, and tarot reader. She believes that spiritual growth is the purpose of life. Tarot can help us achieve growth by guiding us through life’s obstacles, revealing the hidden opportunities within challenges. In her readings, you can expect a thoughtful and thorough examination of the cards’ spiritual messages, as well as some suggestions for how to act on the card’s advice, including rituals, crystals and various other healing modalities. Shelby often draws on her knowledge of classical myth, mysticism, symbology and witchcraft to enhance her readings. She specializes in practical and accessible advice, helping her clients craft a path forward.
with Shelby Wardlaw
$75 pre-paid
Class size: 6 students per class
Tarot 101 "Beginning Tarot" 11am - 1pm / 2pm - 4pm
Tarot 102 "Discovering the Major Arcana" * next class TBD *
Call or email to register
Time: 2 hours (with a five minute break)
Please Bring:
A Journal or notebook
A writing utensil
A deck of tarot cards OR you can purchase a deck at Starhawk Design Studio at a 10% discount *
TAROT 101 "Beginning Tarot"
Introductions - 5-10 minutes
Tarot history and definitions – 10 minutes
Calling in the elements and grounding ceremony – 10 minutes
Consecrating the cards – 10 minutes
The Elements Mini-lesson – 10 minutes
Numerology Mini-lesson – 10 minutes
Practice with a different partner; a simple one card draw – 10-15 minutes
The Major Arcana using a grid – pass out worksheet with definitions – 15 minutes
Crafting a Question: Do’s and Don’t’s – 5-10 minutes
Practice a simple 3 card spread with a partner: past, present, future – 20 minutes
Tarot ethics and practices – 10 minutes
Ending prayer, thanking the elements, releasing – 5 minutes
Major Arcana worksheet
Copy of our consecration and grounding ritual
Worksheet with Elements and Numerology
Suggested reading/listening for more information about Tarot
TAROT 102 "Discovering the Major Arcana"
In this course, we will take a deep dive into the meanings and symbols behind the Major Arcana cards, which are known as the "Great Secrets" of the tarot. Using the Rider-Waite-Coleman-Smith deck as our guide, we will discuss astrological associations, Jungian archetypes, mythopoesis (from Nordic and Greek mythology) and the Qabbalistic, Christian and Egyptian influences on the Major Arcana. Students will leave with a packet of information, sources, and prayers for learning and consecration. Join us!
* 10% in-store class day discount on Tarot books and decks for class attendees *